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Travel & Tourism | Hotels | Internet Cafe

Apollo Tours & Travel Agency
Provides customized tour programs in Jordan.

B.T.C.Travel & Tours

Fashions custom itineraries for pilgrims, business travelers, campers, and divers. Also provides worldwide airline, hotel, and automobile reservations.

Blue Bell Tours
Providing a variety of historic and scenic tours.

Dakkak Tours and Travel
Specialized in incentive groups, conferences and groups throughout the Middle East.

Dead Sea Beach Tours
Provides vacation tours of the beaches of the Dead Sea. Photo tour and testimonials too.

Discovery Travel and Eco-Tourism
Providing exotic tour expeditions, incentive travel, camping, scuba diving, desert adventures and more.

Hussam Tours
Provides variety of organized tours through Jordan and neighboring countries, as well as excursions and day trips.

Knight Travel and Tourism
Specializes in tours to Jordan, Syria, Egypt, and the Holy Land.

Nebo Tourism Services
Provides a variety of tours throughout Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Egypt.

Peace Way Tours
Provides tours of the country including mountain climbing, horseback riding, diving, and fishing.

Petra Tours
Specializes in tours within Jordan and to Syria, Egypt, and Israel. Also provides travel arrangement services for corporate travel.

Rose City Travel & Tourism
Provides Christian and Islamic tours in Jordan and the Middle East for incentive groups, conferences, and individuals.

Royal Tours
Arranges general, religious, and medical tourism in Jordan.

Spring Tours Jordan
Provides incoming and outgoing tours.

Travel Link
Provides travel arrangement and tour operating services for trips to Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen.

Tropicana Tours
Providing tours to Jordan and the Middle East.

Petra Tours
Specializes in tours within Jordan and to Syria, Egypt, and Israel. Also provides travel arrangement services for corporate travel.

Sun Tours
Specializes in regional charters, package tours, and transportation around the Red Sea.

Travel Link
Provides travel arrangement and tour operating services for trips to Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen.



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