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الأقتصاد والتجارة


Currency converter

Saudi Arabia at a glance
Two pages of key indicators tracing the trends in social and economic development over the last three decades. Provided by the World Bank. (PDF file - requires Adobe Acrobat Reader, downloadable free).

Key economic indicators, policies and trade practices
Reports to US Senate, 1999. Also available as PDF

Economic profile
Agriculture, mining, manufacturing, tourism, and finance [Arab World Online]

World Bank reports and press releases
about Saudi Arabia

Economic trends, data, policies, etc
Trade Compass

Economic profile
International Finance Corporation

Commercial guide
US & Foreign Commercial Service and US State Department

Oil, gas, coal and electricity
US Energy Information Administration

CIA World Factbook
An American view of the economy

Banks in Saudi Arabia

US-Saudi Arabian Business Council

Gold Exploration in Saudi Arabia
By Kenneth Sargent (US Geological Survey, 1992)

Top 100 Saudi companies

Water in Saudi Arabia
Aquastat country profile

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