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الثقافة والمجتمع


Neolithic Statues from Jordan at the Smithsonian
Provides information about the discovery, construction, conservation, and display of the statues and explores them as works of art and cultic objects.

Usenet - soc.culture.jordan
Topics concerning The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Crusades: A View from Castles in Jordan
Developed by 6th grade students in Jordan studying the Middle Ages. Provides virtual tours of crusader castles in Ajlun, Shobak, and Aqaba.

King Hussein I: The Royal Palaces
Provides info about buildings of the Royal Court compound (Maqar) and other royal palaces.

Darat al Funun
Exhibits the work of contemporary Arab artists and hosts lectures, workshops, and concerts.

Friends of Environment
Working to educate young school children in order to increase their environmental awareness.

Natural Resources Authority
A government establishment dedicated for prospecting for natural resources within Jordan, and licensing all types of mining, including hydrocarbons.

UCSD Wadi Fidan Regional Archaeological Project
Summer 1997 Project.

Basic information [Medea database]

Guide to Jordan
A small but neat site created by Sami Shalabi

Languages of Jordan
Ethnologue Database

H.M. Queen Noor of Jordan
Qeen's official site with photos, press releases, interviews, and speeches.

Hashemites: Jordan's Royal Family
Established the modern state of Jordan in 1921.

King Hussein: A Man of Peace
A memorial website from PBS' Online NewsHour.

Office of King Hussein I of Jordan
Information on King Hussein I of Jordan and the Hashemites. Jordan economy, government, tourism, history, royalty, peace keeping and laws.

Ghani, Ruba Abdul
Provides biography, resume, design portfolio, and information about the singer Fairouz.

Gharaibeh, Hayel
Provides information about Jordan, photos, links, and more.

A brief history of Jordan (Focus Multimedia)


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