Egypt Society & Culture Guide 

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Egypt Society & Culture

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Egyptian  Society & Culture

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General  | Arts  |  People | Religion | History | Health | Litrature  Photos | Organization


Ancient Egyptian Religion
Provides information on the role of deities, temples, and practices.

Japan Foundation Cairo Office
an organization promoting cultural exchange activities, ranging from academic pursuits to arts, sports and general life culture.

Languages of Egypt
Ethnologue Database

Integrated Care Society (ICS) in Egypt

Internet Society of Egypt

Egyptian Organization for Human Rights

Hyroglyphica alphabet
hyroglyphica alphabet, the old egyptian language

Taking care of children is the true indicator of the native culture, therefore Safeer Company has chosen the field civilization for children.

Mark Lind's Web Page-
Love all things regarding ancient Egypt

Tales of an Egyptian Family-
Comical Egyptian Family stories

Egypt..Peace land . . .
Egypt isn't only desert and camels ,it's a modern country ,here're many photograghs of modern Egypt as all Egyptians see it.

Hesham Azmy of Egypt
Hello folks..this is my personal home page ,it's very short ,so you can view it all in a heart beat.

Gamal Abdel-Nasser
Gamal Abdel-Nasser, the 2nd President of Egypt. Photos, Speeches, Poems, Biographies, Videos and More.

All Things Sekhmet
Modern connections to ancient the Egyptian lion-headed goddess

Divination and energywork with the ancient egyptian magic

FAQ - Egyptian Mythology

Mythology Gallery Directory
A guide to Egyptian myths and and legends.

Postcards from Egypt  
Send eCards of Egypt to friends and family around the world.


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